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Everyone wants to know what is coming up next in LTown. TNBT is “The Next Big Thing” in Leavenworth”. Find out our picks for what is coming up next.
We love everything about Leavenworth and do our part to encourage people to visit. We currently do this as a hobby and are not backed by any group of businesses in Leavenworth. We offer independent reviews and provide our own opinions.
Here you will find tips on staying in Leavenworth and articles about what we like and our recommendations for restaurants, activities and places to stay. And you can always find out what is happening in Leavenworth to help plan your vacation or day trip.
Fritzi & Mitzi are our alter egos. You can read about some fo their exploits throughout the website.
And just around the corner, Leavenworth Ale-Fest, April 22 – 23, 2016.
Leavenworth is a fun place for families. There are activities for all ages. To help you find things to do, we’ve create a page just for families.
In many ways the history of Leavenworth is the history of a typical western frontier town. Its evolution from a Native American salmon fishing ground and trading spot, to railroad boomtown, to fading rural small town is the picture of small town America west of the Mississippi.
But Leavenworth took the road less traveled and decided to recreate a Bavarian village in the middle of Washington State.
There are lots of fun things you can do with sauerkraut.
Especially when you get Fritzi involved.
The Leavenworth area has four definite seasons, each with its own mood. Being nestled in the mountains makes quickly changing weather a reality. Check our weather page for up-to-date weather updates and webcams from throughout the area so you can see if you need to bring an umbrella, sunscreen, or snow boots.