Art and Photo Galleries

Art and photo galleries have always been a part of Leavenworth. The first Village Art in the Park was in spring 1966, and it's been a regular occurrence ever since. From that humble beginning has sprung a community of artists and artisans that has become the heart of the art community in the area.

Icicle Arts connects arts and the community throughout the Wenatchee River Valley and beyond. They have in-school and after-school arts programs and in September organize and host the Icicle Arts Festival with workshops and performances in Leavenworth. This year the Icicle Prize in Songwriting and a performance by Andre Feriante are featured.

The Grunewald Guild has been providing space for retreats and classes to awaken the creative spirit through art, faith and community. Check their website for classes and tours to other countries available throughout the year.

Barn Beach Reserve is the home of a nature center, Icicle Arts and the Upper Valley Museum. They provide exhibits and programming that connect science and nature, the arts, and cultural history in the Greater Wenatchee Valley.

Besides arts organizations, Leavenworth is home to many galleries as well.

In the middle of town is the Metal Waterfall Gallery. As soon as you step in the door you hear the sounds of water and rippling brooks. Beautiful wall sculptures and trees and leaves and landscapes cover the walls. And everything is handmade by the artists on the premises. They have large sculptures and small items for every budget.

Other galleries in Leavenworth include the Jones Gallery, in the Obertal Mall, Doug Miller Art Studio, just below Starbucks, the Pelican Photo Gallery and their Pelican Art Gallery, both in the Obertal Mall.

Although we've not been able to find a gallery for them, the glass art from Silvermoon is gorgeous and we like to periodically go out to their website to see some of the incredible glasswork they do.

Art and Photo Galleries in Leavenworth

21 businesses found.

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Barn Beach Reserve Map:

  See front door

347 Division Street  Leavenworth
This 9-acre nature preserve overlooking the Wenatchee River features a 107-year-old mansion that is home to the Upper Valley Museum, Icicle Arts and Barn Beach Nature Center.

Boulder Bend Glassworks Map:


8210 US-2  Peshastin
A high-tech studio customized to produce premium handmade glass, specializing in murrine mosaics and canework. They are inspired by nature, the physical world, color, and patterns.

Opa Says: (Old German sayings)

Doug Miller Gallery Map:

  See front door

703 Highway 2, Suite E  Leavenworth
Landscape artist and gallery owner Doug Miller is celebrating 28 years as a professional oil painter. Originals and canvas reproductions are available.


  See front door

725 Front St.  Leavenworth
Art glass, jewelry and other art.

Griffin Artist Group & AssociationMap:

220 9th St  Leavenworth

Grunewald Guild Retreat and Conference Center Map:

19003 River Road  Leavenworth
Students and teachers from all over the world share their faith, spiritual energy and talent. Please check the website in January for a complete list of classes.

Jesse Cunningham Photography

Wedding, portrait, commercial and editorial photographer who creates stunning images with an emphasis on capturing real events and emotion.

Jones Gallery Map:

220 9th Street - Suite A  Leavenworth
James T. Jones, specializing in wildlife, western and scenic photography. Through his prints, James hopes to bring the beauty of nature indoors to you.

Jordan Ingmire Photography

  Stevens Pass425/218-1311
Snow and sea photography

Karl Reuss Custom WoodworkingMap:

7530 Icicle Rd  Leavenworth

Leavenworth Fine Art GalleryMap:

900 Front St  Leavenworth

Leavenworth Pottery Map:

PO Box 295  Leavenworth
Pottery products and classes

Marc Dilley Photography
I am a photographer for one reason: to record the beauty of Nature and interpret my feelings about it. This is what I attempt to achieve in my images: not merely to depict but to illuminate.

Metal Waterfall Gallery Map:

     See front door

703 D. Hwy 2  Leavenworth
Copper and brass sculptures; waterfalls, birdhouses and more. Handcrafted in Leavenworth by Ron Orcutt and Bonnie Orcutt-Kinnear. Jewelry handcrafted by Christine Ann Orcutt.

Silvermoon Studio Map:

12115 Shugart Flats Rd.  Leavenworth
Established in 1975, we are the masters in design and assembly of leaded, beveled, stained, carved, and etched glass in all styles. Call for an appointment.

Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort Art Walk Map:

7375 Icicle Road  Leavenworth
Meander through Sleeping LadyÕs wooded acreage on the banks of Icicle Creek and enjoy a variety of visual art-sculptures.

Specialty Ceramic ProductsMap:

12030 Spromberg Canyon Rd  Leavenworth
Ceramic engineer, consultant and artist, Terry L. Porlier designs and creates ceramic products per client specifications.

The Twisted Cliff Map:

905 Commercial, Suite #1  Leavenworth
Featuring the photography of Dominic Urbano Ð Fallen Leaf Imaging, Custom Laser Engraving with Gold Medal Productions, Rosemaling by Susan Schlingman. Photography classes, web development, and more.

Traditional WoodcraftMap:

10393 North Rd  Leavenworth

Village Art in the Park Map:

PO Box 261  Leavenworth
Exhibits are renowned professional and amateur artisans art on display in the city park Thursday through Sunday beginning with May and continuing summer and fall.

Whiskey Jack Designs


Northwest wood burning and art. Find this Jewelry at: Sage Mountain Natural Foods

You become a better writer by writing. You become a better travel writer by writing about travel.

-- Tim Cahill


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