Planning Your Trip

Before you leave for Leavenworth, especially in winter, always check the weather and pass conditions and the extended forecast. Click on our weather "bug" below to get more information.

Have a list before leaving so you don't forget anything. One year when Mr. Accidental Bavarian was growing up, we went on a camping trip and forgot the suitcases with the clothes, so we were washing our unmentionables in the public bathroom sink.

Go to some of your favorite Leavenworth hotels and business websites and see if they have any specials that week. A great way to find out about specials is to sign up for the mailing lists from your favorite places. One of the hotels currently has a spring special where you can upgrade from a normal room to a suite for the same price (Sunday through Thursdays), but only for newsletter subscribers.

Make sure your AAA membership is current. It'd be a bummer to run out of gas on your way to your favorite place.

Plan some down time. Don't try to do too much. We've found that we kind of get in our heads "We don't know how soon we'll be back", so try to do everything. We end up leaving very tired. The last time in Leavenworth, we spent a little time in town, then drove around the area taking in God's creation, then back to town for a while, then to the hotel to rest. We ended up having a much more relaxed time.

Finally, check out what's going on in town; there's always something. By the way, Accidental Bavarian has a great events calendar.

Featured on Bescover.comLooking for a Bed and Breakfast to stay at near Leavenworth? Visit our friends at

What's It Look Like Right Now
in Leavenworth?

Check out these webcams:

Downtown Leavenworth
(operated by Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce)

Click here to open a window with a live Leavenworth Wa Webcam!

Stevens Pass

Stevens Pass West Summit

Icicle Village
Click for a larger web cam image of the Junction web cam at the Icicle Village Resort in Leavenworth Washington

Trip Planning Helpers

What to Bring

Coming Soon
Make your own list of things to pack or bring in the car.

What to See

Coming Soon
Make your own list of what you want to see while you are in Leavenworth.

Shopping List

Coming Soon
Make your own shopping list of what you want to find in Leavenworth. Use our "Shop" menu to put together a Wish List.

Current Weather

Current weather in Leavenworth, WA courtesy of Weather Underground.

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.

-- John Muir


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Leavenworth Chamber of Commerce

© Copyright 2025 , Accidental Bavarian
Designed by: Front Street Webs


Accidental Bavarian meets tourism needs for the Leavenworth, Washington area, including Chelan County communities along US Highway 2: Peshastin, Cashmere, Lake Wenatchee and Stevens Pass.

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