What Else to See in Leavenworth

Leavenworth has all four seasons. Each one more beautiful than the last. Come during your favorite season... or two!

And Leavenworth has a fascinating history that started in logging, mining and railroads and led to Little Bavaria.

Leavenworth or Bavaria?

When in Bavaria in October 2009, I was really surprised how much it was like Leavenworth, WA. When Leavenworth transformed itself into Little Bavaria, they really did their homework.

So we thought it would be run to play a little game of "Is It Live or Is It Memorex?"

We'll going to put up some pictures from Leavenworth and some from Bavaria and you can try to guess which is which. At the end we'll tell you what the answers are.

OK, #1

You see what I mean? It's not easy is it?

OK, here are the answers. How did you do?

A = Bavaria
B = Leavenworth
(OK, that was kind of a gimme)
A = Leavenworth
B = Bavaria

A = Bavaria
B = Leavenworth
A = Leavenworth
B = Bavaria

A = Bavaria
B = Leavenworth

A = Bavaria
B = Leavenworth

A = Leavenworth
B = Bavaria
A = Bavaria
B = Leavenworth

A = Leavenworth
B = Bavaria

Photo Ops in Leavenworth

  • The lights on the buildings during Christmas season
  • Leavenworth from one of the surrounding hills
  • Kids sledding in Front Street park
  • The gazebo
  • The horse-drawn beer wagon during Oktoberfest
  • The Wenatchee river flowing past Blackbird Island
  • Up Highway 2 with the Wenatchee river flowing beside it
  • Colchuck Lake
  • The alpenhorn player at the Enzian Inn
  • Dragon Tail Peak
  • The Enchantment Lakes
  • Anywhere along Icicle Creek
  • The fruit orchards in bloom
  • The autumn leaves in Enchantment Park on Blackbird Island
  • In front of the Leavenworth "Herzlich Willkommen!"
  • The Leavenworth Festhalle
  • The petting farm at Smallwood Farms
  • The goats above the putting course
  • In front of the fire at the Enzian Inn
  • Inside Andreas Keller
  • The murals on the buildings
  • Leavenworth architecture
  • With Father Christmas during Christmas Lighting Festival
  • Peshastin Pinnacles Park

I can't say as ever I was lost, but I was bewildered once for three days.

-- Daniel Boone


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Accidental Bavarian meets tourism needs for the Leavenworth, Washington area, including Chelan County communities along US Highway 2: Peshastin, Cashmere, Lake Wenatchee and Stevens Pass.

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