Living in Leavenworth

The only thing better than visiting Leavenworth, for us, would be living in Leavenworth. It's a village that sets itself apart with its community spirit. The setting for this delightful Bavarian themed town is the central Cascade Mountains of Washington State. One of the reasons people move here, and stay, is the promise of living with four distinct seasons. Nestled as it is in the mountains, visitors are often surprised to discover that Leavenworth is only at 1166' elevation above sea level. The surrounding mountains rise rapidly. Nearby peaks rise to heights of between 5,000 and 8,000 feet.

Because we know that visitors are often curious about life in Leavenworth, even if relocating is only a dream, we've put together the Live page. Click to get further information about Jobs available, and Real Estate in the Leavenworth area.

Whether you visit occasionally as a tourist, have a vacation home in the area, or plan on relocating to Leavenworth you may want to find a place of worship in the area, or be able to research volunteer opportunities. You'll find churches on the Churches & Religious page.

On the Non-Profit page you'll find links to arts organizations, festival committees, service clubs and civic organizations.

The Services directory is oriented toward those businesses and services not really geared toward vacationing visitors. It's in this drop down menu that you'll find links to medical and dental providers, computer services, automotive and transportation services, media and print and advertising businesses, municipal services, builders, financial services, travel, general business services, and more. We work hard to list services and businesses in the correct categories, but do use the search box at the top of most pages to find a business or service either by name or by keyword.

For more information about Leavenworth visit the Chamber of Commerce's Relocation page. The City of Leavenworth has a website where you can find out about community news, notices and municipal meetings.

We've found when we are in need of a Leavenworth "fix", we can get a taste by listening to KOHO radio on-line. So while you are waiting to return to Leavenworth, here's something to listen to to help with your homesickness for Leavenworth. (If you have a Macintosh, you must have Silverlight installed before you go there. The Silverlight download link on the KOHO site is broken.)



I can't say as ever I was lost, but I was bewildered once for three days.

-- Daniel Boone


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© Copyright 2025 , Accidental Bavarian
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Accidental Bavarian meets tourism needs for the Leavenworth, Washington area, including Chelan County communities along US Highway 2: Peshastin, Cashmere, Lake Wenatchee and Stevens Pass.

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