Bands and Live Music in Leavenworth

A variety of restaurants provide a schedule of live music throughout the year. Check out the websites of these places for who is currently playing:
 - Alley Café
 - Andreas Keller
 - Café Mozart
 - Der Hinterhof
 - King Ludwig's
 - Munchen Haus
 - South

Here is the schedule for live music and entertainment during Oktoberfest.

The Cashmere Community Coffeehouse is another interesting place dedicated to "early style acoustic music". They are family friendly and pass the hat to pay the musicians. See their website for the event schedule.

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Bands and Live Music in Leavenworth
  - An "Always Incomplete List"

Opa Says: (Old German sayings)


Keep close to Nature's heart...and break clear away, once in awhile, and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean.

-- John Muir


Entertainment in the Gazebo

0 events found.

Also see "The Next Big Thing In Leavenworth" to see our picks for the upcoming weeks.

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Accidental Bavarian meets tourism needs for the Leavenworth, Washington area, including Chelan County communities along US Highway 2: Peshastin, Cashmere, Lake Wenatchee and Stevens Pass.

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