Music and Dance

Leavenworth provides opportunities to hear a wide variety of different kinds of music throughout the year.

The various festivals in Leavenworth all have their own flavor of music and dance. Maifest has its Tyrolean dancers and bands that play German marches, waltzes and polkas. The Leavenworth International Accordion Festival has its... well... accordions. The Leavenworth International Dance Festival has a wide variety of world dance. Oktoberfest has its Oompah bands. The Washington State Autumn Leaf Festival has yodelers and German bands and folk dancing. And the Christmas Lighting Festival has its bell ringers and German bands and Christmas music. See our Festivals page for more information on each festival.

Throughout the year, Icicle Creek Music Center has classical music concerts. They also offer a variety of educational programs and retreat opportunities.

At the festivals, look for some of these local groups:
 - Edelweiss Tanz Gruppe (German and Austrian folk dancing)
 - Leavenworth Village Voices (Choral group)
 - Musikkapelle Leavenworth (German polka band)
 - Marlin Handbell Ringers (Handbells)

Music and Dance
in Leavenworth

23 businesses found.

For a review of a business, put your cursor over any "Mitzi Says" text. Thumbs indicate rating.
indicates prices

AlpenFolk Music Map:

PO Box 1783  Snoqualmie
AlpenFolk presents the music and folklore of the Alps! With authentic instruments, singing and yodeling, here is alpine music the way it was meant to be played - the way it is played today in the rustic inns and the mountain chalets of Bavaria, the Tyrol, Styria, and throughout the Alps!

Andreas Keller Map:
Mitzi Says:  
   See front door

Downstairs at 829 Front St  Leavenworth
Where the "Gemutlichkeit" feeling abounds! Specializing in rotisserie-broiled chicken and schweinshax'n, German potato salad, sausages, sauerkraut, beer and wine.

Opa Says: (Old German sayings)

Apollo Club of Wenatchee Map:

P.O. Box 2775  Wenatchee
Apollo is a 60 man male voice choir that will have its 100th anniversary in 2010. We love to sing all types of music.

Bronn & Katherine Journey Map:

PO Box 1108  Sultan
Bronn & Katherine Journey harp and voice.

Caffé Mela Map:

17 N Wenatchee Ave  Wenatchee
In the charming heart of Wenatchee. The friendly and inviting ambience coupled with artfully prepared espresso beverages quickly made the café a favorite gathering place for the community. Live music, sandwiches and a bakery.

Cashmere Coffeehouse Map:

201 Riverside Drive  Cashmere
Dedicated to the preservation of early style acoustic music.

Edelweiss Dance Acadamie Map:

202 Scholze St  Leavenworth
Edelweiss Dance Acadamie offers Ballet, Jazz, Modern & Irish classes for ages 3 through Adult. All students have the opportunity to perform in the Nutcracker.

Edelweiss Tanz Gruppe Map:

1214 57th Ct NE  Auburn
Edelweiss Tanz Gruppe is a Leavenworth area based folk-dancing group specializing in traditional European dances and organized to promote Leavenworth's Old World Bavarian theme.

Folklore ExpressionsMap:

P O Box 982  Leavenworth
Providing live music for your special events in Leavenworth. Emphasis on alpine folk and traditional music on the Austrian button box, hammered dulcimer and accordion.

Icicle Creek Center for the Arts Map:


7409 Icicle Road  Leavenworth
Founded in 1995. Presents annual Chamber Music Festival July weekends; international and local performers year around in majestic wilderness setting; classical, jazz and contemporary music.

Kerry Christiansen Map:

1454 E Springdell Circle  Provo
Kerry is a master yodeler. He is perhaps the only full-time yodeler in the world that specializes in all styles of yodeling. He can be strictly alpine, or he can put on his Stetson hat and do an all-cowboy yodeling show.

Leavenworth Community CoffeehouseMap:

347 Division Street  Leavenworth
A variety of musicians from all over the country perform at the Coffeehouse two Fridays each month in a family-friendly setting. Refreshments are available. 7:30pm Admission: $3 plus donations.

Leavenworth International Accordion Festival Map:

1107 1st Avenue  Seattle
The Northwest Accordion Society is now responsible for the planning and support for the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration. Competition, playing at the gazebo, volunteering, and so much more.

Leavenworth Village Voices Map:

P.O. Box 2254  Leavenworth
Mixed-voices community chorus performs joyfully at benefits, Christmas and Spring concerts, and internationally (with Canadian choruses). Meets Monday nights - everyone is welcome to join!

Ludwig's Gasthaus Map:

     See front door

921 Front St.  Leavenworth
Leavenworth's Fun Spot. Famous for pork hocks, our specialty, family dining, banquets, catering and weddings. Music and dancing on a wooden dance floor on weekends.

Maifest Map:

Celebrate Fruhling (Spring) and Mother's Day in our tradtional Bavarian fashion. Experience the Grand March, including village folk and visitor alike dressed in Trachten and traditional fare. Enjoy flowers, weekend entertainment, and dancing.

Malamalama O Ka Mahina Map:

426 Ash Street  Leavenworth
Cultural resource teaching hula, chant, language and historical perspective. Both traditional Kahiko and modern (to music) 'auana Hula are taught.

Munchen Haus Map:
Mitzi Says:  
   See front door

709 Front Street  Leavenworth
Authentic Bavarian grill and beer garden. Charbroiled sausages, ciderkraut, specialty mustards. Eight German and micro beers on tap, local wines. Family Fun! Pet friendly, outdoor seating.

Musikkapelle Leavenworth Map:

414 Shady Lane  Leavenworth
Leavenworth Town Band. Plays at many of the festivals as well as yearly free concert.

Northwest Accordion Society Map:

1107 1st Evenue #1003  Seattle
The Northwest Accordion Society brings together people who are interested in the accordion. We publish a quarterly magazine, award scholarships and produce accordion events.

The Marlin Handbell Ringers Map:

11655 Riverbend Dr.  Leavenworth
Eleven local residents bring the magic of handbell music to the Bavarian Village, ringing 108 English handbells. Visit their website for the current concert schedule.

Tumwater Inn Restaurant & LoungeMap:
Mitzi Says:  
   See front door

219 9th Street  Leavenworth
Leavenworth's oldest restaurant. Open year-round breakfast, lunch and dinner. Steaks, Seafood and Bavarian entrees. Homemade desserts, children's menu, full service lounge. Great food and service!

Wenatchee Valley Convention & Visitor Bureau Map:

5 South Wenatchee Avenue Suite 100  Wenatchee
The home of premium wines and world famous apples. Planning a family vacation, a quick weekend getaway or visiting for business, we have an adventure for you.

One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.

-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


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Accidental Bavarian meets tourism needs for the Leavenworth, Washington area, including Chelan County communities along US Highway 2: Peshastin, Cashmere, Lake Wenatchee and Stevens Pass.

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