< The sights, sounds and tastes of Leavenworth keep us coming back[/caption]
We know we're in Leavenworth when...
- we smell the sauerkraut. (“I love the smell of sauerkraut in the morning!”)
- we seriously consider sauerkraut as a pizza topping.
- we seek out a sausage platter for 2nd breakfast.
- the questions isn’t IF we’ll have German beer with lunch, but WHICH German beer.
- we consider it restraint when we only get 1 1/2 lbs of fudge at the Fudge Hut.
- we set our alarm to get up early for breakfast to make sure we have room for lunch, 2 snacks, dinner and dessert. (“I don’t think he’s heard of second breakfast, or elevensies.”)
- there’s always room for just one more chocolate truffle.
- 10 year old cheese is a VERY good thing.
- the pizza place has a mustard bar.
- you see Woody Goomsba getting a good sanding.
- seeing Dr. Seuss hats on people is a normal occurrence.
- people take pictures of empty streets, in the middle of the night, in the snow, of Christmas-lighted buildings.
- it’s July and you are buying Christmas ornaments.
- when you wear an Australian hat and duster, and speak with an endearing drawl.
How do you know you’re in Leavenworth?